Welcome to the soft opening of Gold Forge Coaching: My new project to help adults find their inner strength and passions so they actually want to wake up each day and enjoy the adventure of being alive, becoming more productive, and becoming their best selves.

Finding my purpose has been an ongoing journey of exploration and self-discovery. I have realized the journey itself is at the core of my purpose. Learning all I can and sharing what I have learned with others is what pushes me forward in life. With my values as my guiding light, my curiosity as my driving force, and my hunger to experience as much as life can offer, I believe I am to bring together all my life experiences, passions, and acquired knowledge and share them with those I can help. My calling is to continue to grow and be a contributing force in my community. My ongoing quest for balance – body, mind, and spirit – for myself and others – continues. Strength and beauty is in the brokenness.